Dr Akilu Yunusa-Kaltungo from the University of Manchester is running a one day stakeholders workshop on Health and Safety performance in high hazardous industries in Nigeria on 8 July 2019. The workshop forms part of a research partnership between the University of Manchester and Discovering Safety Programme in the United Kingdom.
High hazard industry workers and the residents of their adjoining communities are constantly exposed to environmental and occupational hazards, which studies have linked to morbidity and mortality. While several key cement manufacturing companies including LafargeHolcim Cement PLC have continuously exhibited immense commitments towards improving H&S practices, sustainable initiatives can only be achieved through continuous research interventions. Therefore, the overarching aim of this workshop is to provide a platform that enables engagement and constructive discussions amongst key stakeholders.
Over 50 stakeholders are expected to attend from the LafargeHolcim cement plant where the workshop will be held along with representatives from the Ministry of Environment, the Federal Medical Centre, the Standards Organisation of Nigeria and the Ministry of Labour/Productivity.
Registration for this this workshop is now closed but if you would like to know more about the International insights in the cement industry project, please email discoveringsafety@hse.gov.uk. For more information on the work within the Discovering Safety programme please visit the website www.discoveringsafety.com
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