
Innovation Trial: Integrating Live Monitoring of Site-based Sensors with 3D Models to Improve Health and Safety on Construction Sites
Discovering Safety has been working with the construction industry, academia and tech providers to develop a library of standardised data and processes.24/11/23
Building the World’s First Industrial Safetytech Regulatory Sandbox Case Studies
Five technology companies, from an initial field of over 200 were chosen via the Sandbox selection criteria to participate in investigative studies...24/11/23
Creating the first Industrial Safetytech Regulatory Sandbox for the UK construction sector
The Industrial Safetytech Regulatory Sandbox, funded by the Regulators’ Pioneer Fund, provided a successful framework for HSE to explore the potential for...30/06/21
Digital Health and Safety Risk Library Use Case
This report presents the work undertaken during the Phase 2 – from June 2020 to June 2021 – of the BIM Risk...28/10/20
Industry 4.0 implications for health and safety phase one outputs
Industry 4.0 is the name given to a suite of technologies that is transforming how operational decisions are arrived at in industrial...27/10/20
Health and safety performance benchmarking phase one outputs
Organisations generate a wealth of routine health and safety data as part of day-to-day operations that provide a useful proxy measure of...27/10/20
Construction Risk Library phase one outputs
Building information modelling is a process for managing information on a construction project across the project lifecycle. At the centre of the...27/10/20