
Category: Discovering Safety
Digging deep for data on safety
A new text search system has the potential to boost safety planning on construction sites. It has been developed by the Health...29/03/21
Safety leading indicators in construction paper is published
We are delighted to announce that our Safety leading indicators in construction: A systematic review paper written by our team at the University of Manchester,...16/12/20
Digital tool unlocks new heights of safety performance for the construction sector
The Safetibase Risk Suggestion Tool is set to revolutionise the construction sector by enabling virtual collaboration and providing safety critical information at...27/11/20
Can occupational safety data prevent catastrophic failure?
Large scale process safety incidents are catastrophic and lead to significant loss of life and cost organisations billions, whilst they are infrequent...18/11/20
New event just announced
Join the Discovering Safety team and share experiences and explore how to use tools and techniques to access and improve your use...02/11/20
Using AI in construction sites to reduce injuries and save lives – new white paper released
Patterns of hazardous conduct have become increasingly more difficult to find and therefore more difficult to target and prevent. Health and safety experts...24/01/20
Industry 4.0 workshop
This workshop took place on November 20th 2019 at the HSE Science and Research Centre in Buxton. The day included discussions, with a...24/01/20